After finishing my third day at the temples and a full day cooking course it was time to leave Siem Reap. The temples, as great as they are, do all start to look the same after a couple days. I am glad that I saved the biggest for last, because otherwise it would have been pretty disappointing to go to the smaller ones after Thom and Wat. But still, big stone, 1000 year old buildings tend to all look the same to my untrained eyes. Maybe some study of stone carving and base reliefs ahead of time would make it a little more interesting.
Last night I took an overnight bus and have arrived in Sihanokville, I think thats right, but S-ville for all intensive purposes. Its definetly a beach resort for the tourist crowd. I am going to be tranfer this afternoon to Koh Rong, or monkey island. Although I am told there are no monkeys on the island, but 3 kinds of poisonous snake. From there I will be able to do my Rscue diver course, which looks like it will be a nice one-on-one course. And a lot cheaper than the places I saw in Thailand.
I think I am mostly done with the bike, which is also a nice feeling. I will be keeping it around for day trips. The month in Thailand will be nice to have a bike and not need to rent anything while I am there. Crap internet has wiped the rest of this paragraph and I am too frustrated to retype so this post ends here.
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