Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Jayci, 2/3/2013

A couple of things have happened over the last week to keep me busy and get things rolling here.  First, I found out that I was denied the job at UH, mainly because I did not have experience in handling the visa process for students coming into the US education system, which was supposed to be a main component of the job.  So that kinda sucked, but it gives me the option to study full-time this semester, I think I am going to take 3 classes and grab a part-time job for now.  I had interviewed with a couple of private ESL schools and was offered a job by one called IEE, forget what the letters stand for at the moment.  Anyway they seem to have an easy enough schedule (Tuesday to Friday, 8:50-1:00).  And they keep the hours nice and limited to avoid having to pay health insurance.  I am going to sign some contract things with them next week and then be able to start the week after I get back from AU, so that also worked out nicely.  The only downside is that they are really looking for someone who is going to stay with them through the summer and most likely I am going to try and get back to China to teach the summer camp in Zhengzhou or try to go to a language program in CA, either way, not be working the summer here.  So at the end of the 90 day probation period I am probably going to give notice that they should find someone new.  But I need a job now so oh well.

Next, I found a place to live.  Its a normal, for the most part, housing situation which I was beginning to doubt existed here.  But it turns out they have fairly normal apartments and houses, I guess the people living in them dont turnover that fast and already know people here so they are not on craigslist that often.  But I moved in with 2, I think soon to become 3 roommates.  One is out of town at the moment. Its nice 3 bedroom apartment that seemed to fit me in some unexpected ways.  For one, there is a projector screen on the wall in the bedroom and I own a projector.  Also there is a kind of balcony, veranda out my door with an overhead beam to hang a hammock, and I own a hammock.  Has parking and I have a car, so thats nice.  Its only 2 or 3 blocks to the grocery store, and close to the highway.  I went for a really nice run yesterday, but need to find some trails because I dont like running on asphalt the whole time, doing hours on that makes my legs sore.  Trails are much more pleasant.  Having very little stuff the move in process was very easy and fast, need to pick up a few more things but waiting till I get back from AU to see what all I have there before getting anything new.

As mentioned above, because of the way the work situation has worked out, I will be going to Australia for 10 days or so to see family and collect my belongings.  When I get back it will be a day before the Great Aloha Run, a 8+ mile race.  Since I did about 6-7 miles yesterday, I feel good about stepping into that.  Then in March I have heard about a Muay Thai tournament that I might try to get into.  It seems that my current gym has cut about 50% of the monthly classes that they were running.  I was already not liking it that much, but with the cut I am going to be looking for new training gyms for sure as soon as my month membership runs out and I get back from AU.  Monday or Wednesday I want to check out M-1 martial arts, supposed to be good for their Muay Thai.  And am going to try the drive back out to Powerhouse to see if the new location is better for getting their as far as traffic goes.  Overall, I am really disappointed at the UFC gym, but also not that surprised.  It looks nice, its brand new, and has everything you could want to train with.  But the regular classes are so full of people who are not that good and not really willing to work through the pain that comes with real fight training that the classes are kinda soft.  Then the small group classes and the "elite" classes cost a shit ton extra, so if you want they are there, but there is no way that I or normal people can afford them with handing over their entire paycheck.  I am going to hunt for a smaller gym, like back in CO, a nice core group, shit little gym and solid instructors.  Just have to see if the places I can find are accessible from my new place.

If the title didnt give it away, today is Jayci's birthday, so happy birthday Jayci.

I think thats about it.  Hammocks, hung, car is insured, job should be confirmed early this week, one more class to register for while waiting for my courses to be fully evaluated by OUA.  May add some extra hours depending on how my schedule fills in.  New gyms identified but need to checked out.  And some races/competitions in the works and coming up soon.  Just need to find a triathlon to tryout and see if I can get lucky working part-time as a Chinese translator for a SCUBA diving company (that would be a cool side gig) and things should start being really cool.

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