Monday, August 12, 2013


In a new attempt to write a little less but more often, here we go...

Two weeks out to the fight and the mohawk is back... not quite as long yet as last time, but so far getting compliments.  Not sure if it is going to help me to find a job, but who knows, the last haircut wasnt really doing the trick so maybe this can make me stand out.  The next step is going to be to dye it blond today so that it can be green by the fight.  Another thing to check off the list, always wanted green hair, not sure why but seemed like fun.

Weekend was good, still trying to get over this cold that hit me hard last week.  The cold is mostly gone, but some lingering congestion and mild sore throat just wont quit.  Its just not what I want to have in the back of my mind while trying to get through this week of training.  And this week is going to be super busy with last week of fight prep and last week of the term for psych classes.

I am looking forward to next term though, going to be taking interview skills and psychological and behavioral disorders, two classes that are starting to get a little more interesting than the background courses taken so far.  I think from here out the rest of the classes are much more targeted to the fun stuff and less on the nuts and bolts of psych.

this is the start, its time to get to the gym.

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