Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The next morning it was time to try our hands at some real trails. We went to the Bar-M trails. It was good that we got an early start (7am) because it gets hot fast. After a warm up on some green and green/blue trails we decided to try a blue. Well thought it was a blue. Turned out to be a blue/black; and we crushed it. After a couple bails off the bike we learned that going down was really easy, but going back up the steep other side was a bit more challenging. You can build a lot of speed going down and then the uphill section comes at you sharp and fast. If you are not careful with the shocks you can hit the uphill with the shocks compressed and vault off the bike. It was a quick learning curve. Also understand why we saw people going out in body armor. But after a morning of biking it was time to hit the road to Denver. Leaving Moab we took a riverside road that was recommended to us by a local in the trails parking lot and it was a beautiful meandering drive toward the boarder. Then a bit of the most boring landscape we covered and into Colorado.

As we were leaving Utah to CO, Marina learned that her PhD advisor and several of the people she had interviews with were all in Denver that week for a meeting and would be there through the evening. A quick drive cross CO, a shower, and out for drinks and professional networking. We met at a bar in LoDo and then headed to another new bar that was full of old school arcade and video games. It was a place with dozens of mostly young men playing video games, some dressed in onezies (spelling?) and a few in capes. Marina kicked my ass in Double Dragon. Unfortunately it was team game where you were supposed to work together and not fight each other… $10 in quarters later and it was time to call it a night.

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