Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ramble on (1) (fully updated)

This was written some time back, but have not been able to get it from my tablet to online until now...

People on the road continue to be solid and enjoyable companions.  But somehow it is hard for me to truly engage and connect with people I know will be gone so soon.  As much as I want to be open and flow with the experience I have trouble changing the mental box of short encounter why bother to possible future encounter, engage fully.  Additionally the short term nature of the relationships in positive environments creates perceptions that often, over time are not in line with the more "real" version or personality.  Most people are happy, more outgoing, accepting of less desirable situations, tolerant, etc when on vacation in a beautiful place with a group of road seasoned situationally induced friends.  It is hard to be a demanding bitch with a group of newly met travellers.  But over time comfort leads to changes, or reversion, in behaviour that is not always positive.  Quirks become annoyances, habits that are rarely performed become know, biases and beliefs can be voiced at odds with your own, unknown before because the situation has not had a chance to present itself while on the road in rural Laos. 
         At this point in the trip I am finding myself pulled in two directions.  Part enjoys the freedom of the road, novel experiences, and beautiful new places.  The chance of meeting the rare traveller whom with which you can truly connect.  Yet another side knows the chance to meet and establish   close relationships is far better when you stop moving.  A rolling stone gathers no moss and rolls alone.  China was a great and powerful experience for which I am grateful.  But I know that the last year in Wuhan I precluded relationships with people not because they were bad but because I had already decided I would be moving on to somewhere new.  Why risk the hurt and challenge?  It is so much easier to just cut it now. 
        Looking back I have done the same before in the US before I left for China.  Deciding to cut off or not allow a relationship to grow because the decision to go was already made.  How could the two exist at the same time?  And moving on to a new place has always seemed to win out.  Read the bumper sticker "live without regret", how?  With time so limited and the world so big its not possible to live a life in one place and not think of the chances one had to live a life in another.  I am grateful the choices I have made, good and bad, have brought me to where I am. But how can you not think of the other roads not taken?  I have been lucky to have the chances and choices to get me here. But everyone means something else has to be foregone.  Obviously to complain while in the midst of a 4-6 month vacation about the quality of my life and the outcomes of my choices is not the way to go.  Complain is not the right word... Wax philosophical maybe   better.  Where is this going?  I dont know.  Where I am I going?  I dont know either.  Well tomorrow I have a bus ticket to Phonsavan, friends to meet in Pakse, a race in Malaysia in Nov and another in January and some thoughts about a month boxing and diving in Thailand.  But thats not what I meant.  I thought writing this out would help to clear my head so i could get some sleep, but it has only raised more thoughts.  I want to find a way to slow down time so i can reconcile my two halves.  Or maybe i want to speed up time so that i can arrive at the destination.  Course that would require knowing what the destination is.  Or maybe "the destination is the journey" to quote someone, but thats just confusing to think about.  Now I guess its time to stare at the ceiling and think about my destination/journey and maybe find and answer or a question first and then an answer.  So annoying to get the answer before the question.  I hope I dont snore and wake the other 7 people in the hostel room, they're all so quiet.  Some thing I dont miss about China. 

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