Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Koh Lanta, 12/12/2012

Still boxing...tired but making my way through. I went to help corner one of the fighters from the gym last sunday and it was a good fight.  Jesse won in the 2nd round by knockout.  Nothing real clean, just kind of overwhelmed his opponent and landed a good series of shots that brought him down.
I think one of the trainers was asking me today if I want to go to Bangkok to fight for 20,000 baht.  While tempting, I am still trying to overcome my fear of stepping in the ring with someone local for a basically no money fight.  Going to Bangkok to fight for real money would mean fighting real opponents.  I dont know if I am ready for that or if my legs would be able to take it. I am going to wait for Oscar, the one person who speaks enough Thai and English, to come this afternoon and help me understand a little better what I am being asked.  I really would like to do a professional fight, but I was thinking more in the MMA area, not pro Muay Thai in Bangkok, it just looks painful.  They fight almost every week.  And there legs just take a beating.  Jesse recovered from his 2nd round win and still couldnt walk well for a couple days after the match, and he won.
I think I am going to stay on track to fight locally on the 23rd.  Then I can spend xmas recovery in a hammock on the beach before moving on from Thailand.  There have been some new opportunities presented.  Talk of jobs in various places that I hadnt thought of before.  Seems whatever plan I make it is bound to change.  I keep thinking that it has been a waste of time to plan so much.  The planning always seems to change anyway.
It has been good practice at least to get my resume and job applications together.  It has been a while since I have actually applied for a job.  The last two at Tengda and Study Group were basically handed to me by recommendations from other people.  My first meeting in both cases was with the boss and it felt more like I was deciding if I wanted the job, not so much about whether they wanted me, of course they wanted me (that might be a little arrogant).  Now applying for jobs in places where I dont have any guanxi, its a little strange.  How do you get jobs without someone you now recommending you?  As much as the Chinese way is unfair for those without connections, I seemed to have connections, so it was great for me.  Now that I have sent out a good half dozen to dozen resumes I just hope I can get some interviews.  I like interviews and tend to do well.  I am only concerned that they will want to interview around the fight dates since I am pretty sent on brining back the mohawk for the fight.  Not sure how well that will do on skype.  Maybe voice only calling for a while.

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