Sunday, December 30, 2012

The death of a cell phone, 12/31/2012

This trip has tested the durability of the electronics that I have brought with me.  Today I regret that my cell phone has finally succumb to age and wear.  After valiantly sending a final new years greeting to my mother, at 11:45am Bangkok time the power button on my phone ceased to function.  As the screen dimmed there was no way to revive the phone and finally after the 30 second dimmer function expired the phone has lapsed into an unwakeable coma.  While it may be possible through the advances of modern technology available in the US to bring a few more short weeks or months of life to the phone, my htc made it known to me before passing that it did not wish to be brought back.  And so I salute this brave phone, making it all the way from China to its final resting place in Phuket.  My only regret is that it did not make for the lunch in Seoul, the last new country on this trip that I am planning for tomorrow.
This trip has seen several of my electronics, pass.  My dual USB charger blew out in Koh Rong.  At the same time I fear my Ipod nano started its slow decent into mental illness.  First presenting symptoms of voices in its head (at random intervals two different voices will speak over the music to tell me song and track information, they often cut in on each other and then either advance to the next track, play the current track in fast forward or jump randomly through the library) and then moving on to symptoms of catonics states.  For days not being able to play a song, only to come back.  In recent days the voices have not been heard, but the on/off button is a crap shoot as to what will happen when you press it.  Advance to the next track, stop playing, nothing, it has taken a lot of compassion to work with my nano and resist the urge to smash it agains the wall.
And finally three days ago my bike computer was assisted in its jump over board on the ferry from Koh Lanta to Phuket.  After months of tirelessley recording the mileage and speed of my journey and knowing that its pivotal role was coming to end it decided to take its own life rather be forgetten as some extra bike accessory.
I salute my fallen electronics and I hope that through this blog entry you will be remembered.
Any have a recommendation on a new smart phone?


  1. We can rebuild him...we have the technology

  2. I know, but what quality of life would that be. A few more months of dragging along before finally kicking off beyond repair. I would much prefer to remember the good moments in its life and let it rest than struggle against the inevitable to drag a few short painful months out of an phone. And i want to get something better.
