Thursday, August 23, 2012

So Big

America the beautiful… and fat

Adjectives that I have felt describe America/Americans:
Complacent, wasteful, indulgent, oversize (not just people, but everything; homes, cars, toys…it just keeps going), self-absorbed,
            As I look around I was expecting more culture shock than I have so far experienced.  The things that have jumped out at me have mostly been the prices.  Everyday things are so expensive.  You can buy a new tablet for $200 easy, but mesh-running shorts cost $30 or more.  Two full outfits are going to run me more than the newest high-tech setup.  The price structure of everything seems completely out of whack.
            Beyond that everyone is huge, women more so than men, but everyone is giant.  And not tall.  Portions are giant, cars are giant, homes are giant, asses are massive.  China has 1.3 billion to America’s 300 million plus, but I would be willing to bet pound for pound we could give China a run on population measured by either mass or volume.  It is really annoying to return to your home country and basically be shocked by most of what you see.   

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